۱۰ amazing inventions of ancient Iranians that changed the world!

۱۰ amazing inventions of ancient Iranians that changed the world!

Persian civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. But you may not believe that many of the things we use today are the inventions of Iranians in ancient times.

According to the morning report, Bahar Hashemi wrote in a comma: Persian civilization is considered one of the most scientific ancient civilizations due to the number of inventions registered in its name.

The people of Pars, which today is known as Iran, have registered inventions in history whose advanced models exist today.

Maybe no one will believe that they are among the inventions of Iranians and considering the facilities of those days, they look very advanced.

All of those inventions have a simple design and the available facilities in the region have been used in their construction.

The potential of these discoveries in ancient Iran was not fully understood and all of them are still evolving in today’s modern world.

Nevertheless, they show how advanced the civilization of ancient Iran was.

The most amazing inventions of Iranians

Iran’s civilization is considered one of the oldest civilizations in the world and dates back to several thousand years ago.

Throughout history, Iranians have invented many things that we use today in our daily lives, and we may not believe that our ancestors invented them.

In the following, we mention ten of these amazing inventions.

10. Refrigerator

Ancient Iranians have 10 amazing inventions.

A refrigerator is a type of cooling place using the ancient evaporation method, whose name is made from the two words ice, which means something cold, and chal, which means place.

Ancient refrigerators were originally used in ancient Iran and are among the inventions of Iranians throughout history.

Iranians had an advanced method of cooling the building, which they used in the 4th century AD (about four hundred years before the migration of the Prophet) to make a kind of refrigerator.

The structure on the ground had a dome shape with some sort of underground storage space.

This underground storage space was insulated throughout the year using heat-resistant materials.

The available space was about 5 thousand cubic meters. Many of these structures were built hundreds of years ago and some of them are still standing and working.

Cold air entered from the basement and the foundation of the building.

The dome and conical shape of the building caused the heat to go up and the cold air remained in the environment and as a result the environment inside the building became cooler.

The mortar of the building was made of a unique and water-resistant material called Saroj.

This mortar was made of sand, clay, eggshell, goat hair and in some places ash to make the building structure resistant to heat and rainwater.

The base walls of this building were at least two meters thick and were originally designed to store ice, but at the same time, it also had the ability to store food.

Ice was collected during the winter and stored inside these buildings to be used during the summer.

9. Battery

Ancient Iranians have 10 amazing inventions.

A clay pot, a metal pipe, and a cap of a different metal were all that were used to make a Baghdad battery or Parthian cell.

This device was discovered in the city of Mada’in and a place called “Khojut Rabeh” near Baghdad, the capital of Iraq today.

This battery was tested by Western scientists and it was found that when the container was filled with vinegar or another electrolyte solution, it was capable of producing 1.5 to 2.0 volts of electricity.

Wilhelm Kulig, a consultant to the Iraqi National Museum, published an article in the 1930s stating that this device was made for galvanizing cells, which were used for gold plating on silverware.

This theory has been rejected and the main purpose of making this device is still unclear.

If this device, which is one of the inventions of Iranians, was used as a source of electricity, then that battery, which was made by Alexander Volta about 1600 years later, was the second type of battery made by mankind.

8. Sulfuric acid

Ancient Iranians have 10 amazing inventions.

Sulfuric acid or sulfur essence is one of the most important discoveries of ancient Iranians.

Abu Bakr Mohammad bin Zakariya Razi, Iranian astronomer, mathematician, geographer and chemist, was the first person to discover sulfuric acid.

This discovery was not considered a very important discovery at the time, but it became the basis of chemical engineering in the modern world.

Today, from this example of Iranian inventions, sulfuric acid is used to make various substances, from chemical fertilizers to various detergents, and this substance is used in all areas from agriculture to animal husbandry.

Also, the industrial power of a country depends on the amount of sulfuric acid it can produce.

As a result, this case is also considered among the discoveries of Iranians and has been registered in the world under the name of Iranian discoveries.

7. Backgammon board

Ancient Iranians have 10 amazing inventions.

One of the most popular games today is backgammon. This game was invented in Iran about 3 thousand years before Christ.

This game is one of the oldest board games, which is one of the inventions of Iranians and among the inventions of ancient Iran, and it has remained intact until now.

In today’s modern world, the game is played by two people moving pieces on the board based on the number of the dice.

The participant who can remove all his pieces from the board first is the winner.

Senet was a type of board game invented by the ancient Egyptians, but still Iranians are known as the creators of backgammon.

The discoveries made in the city of Sokhteh (near Zabul today) in Iran show that this game was played with two dice and 60 pieces.

Backgammon’s popularity has been maintained over the past thousands of years, and many Iranians still play this game in parks and other public places.

Of course, the way beads are arranged today has changed and is different from the ancient type.

6. Alphabet

Ancient Iranians have 10 amazing inventions.

During the 6th century BC, the Achaemenid Empire came to power in Iran, and their domain extended from Afghanistan to Mesopotamia.

The ancient language of Iran was formed during the early reign of this dynasty and is not a direct branch of the Sumerian and Akkadian system.

While the physical appearance of Old Persian symbols is cuneiform (which were pen-shaped letters), the original form of the signs in the older system did not have the same phonetic quantities.

Texts written in this language have been discovered in places in Persepolis (Takht Jamshid), Susa, Hamedan, Armenia, Romania and Kharg Island on the edge of the Suez Canal.

The date of these writings goes back to the time of Darius I Achaemenid and his son Khashayarshah.

Later, a newer form of the language was used in this region, which is known as Pre-Medieval Persian.

In this way, the alphabet is one of the inventions of Iranians.

5. Postal services

Ancient Iranians have 10 amazing inventions.

There are reliable evidences that show that the world’s first postal system started its work in ancient Iran and is actually one of the inventions of Iranians.

Horsemen and horse-drawn carriages carried letters and packages, which were mostly government parcels, from one place to another.

According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the first postal service began in the 6th century BC during the reign of Cyrus the Great, the Achaemenid king.

This mail system was very fast, and men with their horses were present at long distances and passed the parcels from hand to hand and continued to move regardless of the weather conditions, whether it was snow, rain or heat.

Messengers called chapar were used in this system.

These messengers carried postal packages on their horses and stopped at different stations.

These stations were so close to each other that a horse could continue moving without needing to eat or rest.

These were the stopping stations of the post office, which was called Chaparkhaneh, and messengers stopped there to deliver their packages to other messengers or to change their horses.

4. The concept of human rights

Ancient Iranians have 10 amazing inventions.

The concept of human rights is a very hot and important topic among different societies today.

While this issue seems very new, we must tell you that this expression has its roots in the history of ancient Iran and is one of the inventions of Iranians.

The soldiers of Cyrus the Great, the first emperor of ancient Iran, conquered Babylon in 539 BC.

Cyrus freed the prisoners of war and gave the people the right to choose their religion and spread a kind of racial equality among the people.

This declaration was written on a baked clay cylinder known as the Cyrus Bill of Rights.

The said announcement was written in Achaemenid language and in cuneiform script on the cylinder.

The charter of Cyrus was discovered in 1879 among the ruins of Babylon in Mesopotamia and is now kept in the British Museum.

This declaration was translated into six official languages ​​of the United Nations and its words were used in the first Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

3. Animation

Ancient Iranians have 10 amazing inventions.

Animation in today’s world has made a lot of progress, but its early history goes back to the Bronze Age in the land of Persia, and it is one of the inventions of Iranians.

A terracotta cup discovered in the burnt city of Sistan and Baluchistan province has images of a goat jumping to the top of a tree and eating its leaves.

Similar trailing images are present in many chams found from the post-Islamic period.

This clay cup was discovered by an Italian archaeologist in a cemetery, but the relationship between these images was not noticed at the time.

This relationship was recognized years later by an Iranian archaeologist named Dr. Mansour Sajjadi.

Since then, scholars have disputed the significance of this work of art.

It looks like the goat is trying to eat the leaves of the Assyrian tree of life, but archaeologists now believe that the cup has a goat image from a thousand years before the Assyrian civilization.

2. Tax system

Ancient Iranians have 10 amazing inventions.

The history of the tax collection system goes back to ancient Iran, and this is also one of the inventions of Iranians.

This category was one of the most important items in the Achaemenid government system and was known as the Achaemenid tax.

During the reign of Cyrus II and Kamboja, the subject of tax included more gifts and ordinary taxes.

But since the reign of Darius I (522 to 486 BC), the tax system took on an official form and image.

While the system of state taxation had been common since the time of Cyrus II, there was no specific law for it, and people who did not pay taxes had to give gifts to the government.

While the Iranians themselves, as a people who ruled themselves, were exempted from cash taxes, they had to pay their taxes in kind.

According to the information contained in the documents of the strengthening of the Elamite civilization, tax collection in the southwest of Iran during the reign of Darush I has been proven.

Some of the recorded documents show receipts that appear to be related to the donation of livestock to pay taxes.

Approximately 7,740 silver ingots equal to 232,200 kilograms were paid annually by the people to the Achaemenid rulers as taxes.

Of course, the Indians were excluded from this program and they paid their taxes in the form of gold dust.

1. Qanat (water supply system)

Ancient Iranians have 10 amazing inventions.

Qanats are underground channels in which water flows and reach the houses, and it is one of Iran’s inventions.

This system was used to supply water to fields and also used as drinking water for people.

These canals were an ancient system of supplying water to the people through a series of wells and vertical access shafts.

This method is still considered a reliable process for providing water to people as well as irrigating agricultural crops in tropical, dry and semi-arid climate regions.

This system was first built by the people of Pars in the first millennium BC. This system was gradually used in western and eastern countries as well.

The aqueduct tunnels, which were several kilometers long, were dug by people.

The system of these tunnels was in such a way that it also purified water, and there were also paths for repairs.

These tunnels were built with completely scientific methods and provided water to people and agricultural lands.

Even during times of drought, the process of supplying water to the people was done without any problems.

Such aqueducts still exist in some parts of China, Morocco and the Americas.

In this article, inventions that have scientific and practical value are mentioned and are among the inventions of Iranians and show how advanced civilization the ancient Iranians had and they are considered one of the most important ancient civilizations in the world.

Some of these inventions and innovations, such as the Charter of Human Rights and the tax system, are still used by mankind today.

Written by 10 amazing inventions of ancient Iranians that changed the world! First time in the morning. appeared.

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